Friday, 19 January 2007

How It Works

Typical blog style. Articles of various issues, legal and non-legal, will be posted from time to time. These articles may be contributed by any interested person by emailing it to the moderator of this forum i.e. me (Rashid Karim) at Once approved, the article will be posted on the blog, and open to comments. The comments will not be screened, but the moderator reserves the right to remove any comments which is deemed inappropriate. However, the moderator is obliged pay special emphasis to right of contributors to express themselves freely, and will only remove comments in exceptional cases.

Once a sufficient amount of comments and proposals has been accumulated, the moderator or the author of the article will conclude with a resolution of the issue. This resolution will be voted on by all members of the forum, and if passed will be published on KPUM’s monthly newsletter. Where possible and appropriate, a formal resolution will be drafted and sent to the authority concerned highlighting our collective concerns, and proposals to remedy the situation.

This blog is the blog of all Malaysian law students in UK, but shall be open to everyone to read and contribute. Comments can be made in either English or Malay (You may also leave comments in Mandarin or Tamil, but this makes it slightly difficult for me). We aim to practice full freedom of expression. Any suggestion, comment or opinion is encouraged. However, it should be kept in mind that KPUM is an official student representative body. This means that it would be in the interest of all members to keep language clean, discuss matters maturely and sensibly, treat other members with respect and to phrase sentences carefully where the issue is sensitive, without offending other members, but as to still allow your point to be expressed clearly. What you say reflects on us all. Having said this, contributors are encouraged to sign their names, but we will respect your choice to remain anonymous if you prefer.

The moderator of this blog will not declare any official religion or language or grant any special status to anyone :)

Note, even this is open to comments and suggestions. Please let me know if you feel the process should be conducted in a certain way. Also let me know if there are any grammatical or speeling mistakes, as this would be embarrass for me. Again, I can be reached at It would be helpful if all emails concerning this blog be titled Blog : (title) at the subject bar.

Have fun.

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